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Summer Season II Weeks 3 and 4! “Comical Catastrophes”

Hey there, folks! We've entered the third and fourth weeks of this wild summer coed soccer season II, and let me tell you, it's been quite the adventure. So, in week three, we were up against a team called "Shedman." Now, word on the street was that they were thrown into our division last minute because they were short on players. We thought, "Hey, easy win, right?" Wrong! Turns out, Shedman showed up with some surprising skills and gave us quite the run for our money. We were feeling pretty confident with our lineup, but something just wasn't clicking. Nevertheless, we managed to squeeze in two goals before halftime to tie the score 2 to 2. As team captain, I had a tough decision to make: stick with the same lineup or mix things up. I made a few adjustments, and boy, did they work! Our lead increased, but then Taylor had this brilliant idea to ask for the ball from Alex, and boom! The other team swooped in, stole it, and scored. Talk about a plot twist! We thought we had it in the bag, but Shedman fought back. Thankfully, Jayden showed them who's boss with an incredible goal, and we secured the 7 to 5 victory, or so we thought. Turns out, the field Marshall messed up the scores, so I had to take matters into my own hands and dispute it. Ah, the drama of it all!

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